Thea Stilton and the Fiesta in Mexico
60.23 €
Сестры Тея едут в Мехико! Их пригласили стать частью команды, исследующей бабочек-монархов. Их подруга Луз - художница, которую вдохновляют бабочки и культура Мексики. Когда ее фреска пропадает как раз перед ее художественной выставкой, мышата оказываются в деле! Смогут ли они вовремя вернуть пропавшую фреску?
Книга на английском языке.
The Thea Sisters are going to Mexico City! They have been invited to be a part of a team researching monarch butterflies. Their friend Luz is an artist who is inspired by the butterflies and the culture of Mexico. When her mural goes missing just before her art show, the mouselets are on the case! Can they return the missing mural in time.
Книга на английском языке.
The Thea Sisters are going to Mexico City! They have been invited to be a part of a team researching monarch butterflies. Their friend Luz is an artist who is inspired by the butterflies and the culture of Mexico. When her mural goes missing just before her art show, the mouselets are on the case! Can they return the missing mural in time.